郑慧敏,温晓蕾,郝晨阳,张培培,GEBREWAHID Takele Weldu,闫晓翠,刘大群,张学勇,李在峰

Seedling and slow rusting resistance to leaf rust in 70 introduced wheat lines
Hui-Min ZHENG,Xiao-Lei WEN,Chen-Yang HAO,Pei-Pei ZHANG,Takele Weldu GEBREWAHID,Xiao-Cui YAN,Da-Qun LIU,Xue-Yong ZHANG,Zai-Feng LI
表3 70个小麦品种及慢锈SAAR和感病对照在2016-2017年分别在保定与周口最终病害严重度的方差分析
Table 3 Analysis of variance for final disease severity of leaf rust in 70 wheat genotypes, including slow rusting cultivar Saar and susceptible check Zhengzhou 5389, tested at Baoding in Hebei province and Zhoukou in Henan province, respectively, in 2016-2017 growing seasons
Source of variation
FF-value P
品种Variety (V) 853.62 14.43** <0.0001
环境Environment (E) 9660.50 163.35** <0.0001
重复Replicate (R) 5724.50 66.80 0.0734
品种×环境V × E 218.71 3.7** <0.0001
品种×重复V × R 53.85 0.91 0.6532
误差Error 59.14