
Effects of phosphorus fertilizer application depths on root distribution and phosphorus uptake and utilization efficiencies of summer maize under subsoiling tillage
Xiao-Ying CHEN,Peng LIU,Yi CHENG,Shu-Ting DONG,Ji-Wang ZHANG,Bin ZHAO,Bai-Zhao REN
表3 夏玉米不同器官和植株中磷积累量
Table 3 Accumulation of P in different organs and plant of summer maize (kg hm-2)
2017 2018
抽雄期 VT 灌浆期 R2 完熟期 R6 抽雄期 VT 灌浆期 R2 完熟期 R6
Vegetation organ
CK 41.34 c 47.98 e 36.13 e 46.49 d 54.45 e 43.40 c
P5 51.38 b 56.76 d 40.81 d 59.55 c 67.25 d 51.23 b
P10 58.68 a 75.80 b 49.35 b 62.61 b 72.33 c 51.82 b
P15 60.17 a 83.46 a 51.91 a 69.72 a 82.52 a 57.63 a
P20 57.80 a 73.13 c 45.74 c 63.82 b 76.06 b 53.18 b
CK 3.48 b 51.60 e 6.66 c 78.45 d
P5 5.31 ab 60.35 d 12.90 b 88.14 c
P10 6.26 a 67.54 c 15.79 a 96.32 b
P15 7.36 a 79.81 a 17.97 a 104.06 a
P20 6.58 a 71.46 b 16.09 a 98.00 b
Whole plant
CK 41.34 c 51.46 e 87.73 d 46.49 d 61.10 e 121.85 d
P5 51.38 b 62.07 d 101.16 c 59.55 c 80.14 d 139.37 c
P10 58.68 a 82.05 b 116.99 b 62.61 b 88.12 c 148.14 b
P15 60.17 a 90.82 a 131.72 a 69.72 a 100.49 a 161.69 a
P20 57.80 a 79.71 c 117.09 b 63.82 b 92.14 b 151.18 b