
Effects of phosphorus fertilizer application depths on root distribution and phosphorus uptake and utilization efficiencies of summer maize under subsoiling tillage
Xiao-Ying CHEN,Peng LIU,Yi CHENG,Shu-Ting DONG,Ji-Wang ZHANG,Bin ZHAO,Bai-Zhao REN
图2 磷肥施用深度对夏玉米干物质积累的影响
不同字母表示处理间差异达0.05显著水平。CK: 不施磷肥; P5: 距离地表-5 cm处施磷; P10: 距离地表-10 cm处施磷; P15: 距离地表-15 cm处施磷; P20: 距离地表-20 cm处施磷。
Fig. 2 Effects of phosphorus application depth on biomass of summer maize
Bars superscripted by different letters are significantly different among treatments at the 0.05 probability level. CK: no P applied; P5: phosphorus application depth was 5 cm; P10: phosphorus application depth was 10 cm; P15: phosphorus application depth was 15 cm; P20: phosphorus application depth was 20 cm.