
Effects of phosphorus fertilizer application depths on root distribution and phosphorus uptake and utilization efficiencies of summer maize under subsoiling tillage
Xiao-Ying CHEN,Peng LIU,Yi CHENG,Shu-Ting DONG,Ji-Wang ZHANG,Bin ZHAO,Bai-Zhao REN
图3 磷肥施用深度对夏玉米根干重及根长的影响
不同字母表示处理间差异达0.05显著水平。CK: 不施磷肥; P5: 距离地表-5 cm处施磷; P10: 距离地表-10 cm处施磷; P15: 距离地表-15 cm处施磷; P20: 距离地表-20 cm处施磷。
Fig. 3 Effects of phosphorus application depth on root dry weight and root length of summer maize
Bars superscripted by different letters are significantly different among treatments at the 0.05 probability level. CK: no P applied; P5: phosphorus application depth was 5 cm; P10: phosphorus application depth was 10 cm; P15: phosphorus application depth was 15 cm; P20: phosphorus application depth was 20 cm.