花生FAD2基因家族表达分析及其对低温胁迫的响应 |
薛晓梦,李建国,白冬梅,晏立英,万丽云,康彦平,淮东欣,雷永,廖伯寿 |
Expression profiles of FAD2 genes and their responses to cold stress in peanut |
Xiao-Meng XUE,Jian-Guo LI,Dong-Mei BAI,Li-Ying YAN,Li-Yun WAN,Yan-Ping KANG,Dong-Xin HUAI,Yong LEI,Bo-Shou LIAO |
图1 AhFAD2基因在15个花生组织中的表达水平 A: 本研究中涉及到的15个花生组织。I: 播种6 d后的胚根; II: 播种6 d后的胚轴; III: 播种6 d后的子叶; IV: 播种6 d后的真叶; V: 播种60 d后的根; VI: 播种60 d后的果针; VII: 播种60 d后的茎; VIII: 播种60 d后的幼嫩叶片; IX: 播种60 d后的成熟叶片; X: 播种60 d后的花; XI: 白色、扁平的发育中的种子; XII: 白色、水滴形的发育中的种子; XIII: 白色、鱼雷形的发育中的种子; XIV: 浅粉色、圆形的发育中的种子; XV: 深粉色、成熟的种子。B: AhFAD2基因在15个花生组织中的表达水平。白色表示普通油酸材料ZH16; 灰色表示高油酸材料ZH413。经单因素方差分析差异达到显著水平。* P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01; *** P < 0.001。C: AhFAD2基因在花生发育种子中的表达分析。标有不同小写字母的柱值表示经单因素方差分析和最小显著差异法(LSD)检验差异达到显著水平(P < 0.05)。 |
Fig. 1 Expression levels of AhFAD2 genes in 15 peanut tissues A: 15 peanut tissues involved in this study. I: radicle after 6 days of sowing; II: hypocotyl after 6 days of sowing; III: cotyledon after 6 days of sowing; IV: true leaves after 6 days of sowing; V: root after 60 days of sowing; VI: peg after 60 days of sowing; VII: stem after 60 days of sowing; VIII: yong leaves after 60 days of sowing; IX: mature leaves after 60 days of sowing; X: flowers after 60 days of sowing; XI: white and flat developing seeds; XII: white and drop-shaped developing seeds; XIII: white and torpedo-shaped developing seeds; XIV: light pink and round developing seeds; XV: dark pink and mature seeds. B: expression analysis of AhFAD2 genes in 15 tissues of peanut. The white column indicates normal oleate peanut ZH16, the gray column indicates high oleate peanut ZH413. Differences reached a significant level by one-way analysis of variance. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001. C: expression analysis of AhFAD2 genes in developing seeds. Bars superscripted by different lowercase letters are significantly different at P < 0.05 by one-way ANOVA and least significant difference (LSD) test. |
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