籼稻背景下导入Wx in等位基因改良稻米食味和理化品质

Improvement of rice eating quality and physicochemical properties by introgression of Wx in allele in indica varieties
Yong YANG,Yan LU,Shu-Qing GUO,Zhong-Hui SHI,Jie ZHAO,Xiao-Lei FAN,Qian-Feng LI,Qiao-Quan LIU,Chang-Quan ZHANG
图1 近等基因系构建过程(A)与近等基因系糙米表型(B)
MAS: 分子标记辅助选择; NIL: 近等基因系。
Fig. 1 Construction of near-isogenic lines (A) and comparison of their grain phenotype (B)
MAS: molecular marker-assisted selection; NIL: near-isogenic line.