小麦小穗不同粒位粒重形成的生理特性差异 |
李艳霞,杨卫兵,尹燕枰,郑孟静,陈金,杨东清,骆永丽,庞党伟,李勇,王振林 |
Difference of physiological characteristics of grain weight at various kernel positions in wheat spikelets |
Yan-Xia LI,Wei-Bing YANG,Yan-Ping YIN,Meng-Jing ZHENG,Jin CHEN,Dong-Qing YANG,Yong-Li LUO,Dang-Wei PANG,Yong LI,Zhen-Lin WANG |
图6 TN18和SN20小麦小穗上不同粒位籽粒柄与籽粒连接处横切面的扫描电镜照片 1: 小穗基部第1位籽粒; 3: 小穗基部第3位籽粒; 4: 小穗基部第4位籽粒。从左到右依次放大50×、150×、500×、1500×。 |
Fig. 6 Micrograph of transverse section of the joint of grains and grain handle at various kernel positions of TN18 and SN20 1: Grains from the first kernel position in the base of the spikelet; 3: Grains from the third kernel position in the base of the spikelet; 4: Grains from the fourth kernel position in the base of the spikelet. Magnified 50×, 150×, 500×, 1500× from left to right. |
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