华北冬小麦开花期补灌的增产效应及其影响因素 |
张经廷,吕丽华,董志强,张丽华,姚艳荣,申海平,姚海坡,贾秀领 |
Yield-increasing effect of supplementary irrigation at winter wheat flowering and its influencing factors based on water and nitrogen coupling in north China |
Jing-Ting ZHANG,Li-Hua LYU,Zhi-Qiang DONG,Li-Hua ZHANG,Yan-Rong YAO,Hai-Ping SHEN,Hai-Po YAO,Xiu-Ling JIA |
图8 冬小麦拔节-开花期有效降水量大于25 mm时2个灌溉处理作物耗水及水分利用特征比较 数据为2006-2016年试验期内拔节-开花期有效降水量大于25.3 mm年份的平均值, 误差线上不同字母表示处理间在0.05水平显著差异(LSD法, P<0.05)。 |
Fig. 8 Comparisons of water consumption and utilization of winter wheat between two irrigation treatments under the condition of effective precipitation > 25 mm from jointing to flowering stage Data are the means of the years in which effective rainfall was above 25 mm from jointing to flowering in 2006-2016. Different letters above error bars indicate significant difference among treatments at P < 0.05 (LSD method, P < 0.05). |