
Identification of maize flowering gene co-expression modules by WGCNA
Yu-Xin YANG,Zhi-Qin SANG,Cheng XU,Wen-Shuang DAI,Cheng ZOU
表1 Darkmagenta模块和Blue模块中候选开花基因的功能注释。
Table 1 Annotation of candidate flowering gene in Darkmagenta and Blue modules
Flowering gene
Candidate flowering gene
Homologous gene
in A. thaliana
Gene function
Blue ZCN8 GRMZM2G450273 FPF1 编码调节开花的小蛋白质并参与赤霉素信号传导途径, 在开花的光周期诱导后, 在顶端分生组织中表达
Encodes a small protein that regulates flowering and is involved in gibberellin signalling pathway. It is expressed in apical meristems immediately after the photoperiodic induction of flowering
ZCN7 GRMZM2G455413 PSBA 编码叶绿素结合蛋白D1, 属于光系统II反应中心
Encodes chlorophyll binding protein D1, belonging to photosystem II reaction center core
COL1 GRMZM2G128212 ZFP8 编码锌指蛋白
Encodes a zinc finger protein
PhyB1 GRMZM5G800407 PMAT2 编码消除酚类毒素的丙二酰转移酶
Encodes a malonyltransferase that may play a role in
phenolic xenobiotic detoxification
D8 GRMZM2G338809 AMT2 编码高亲和性的铵转运蛋白
Encodes a high-affinity ammonium transporter
D9 GRMZM2G429322 LHT1 编码一个在细胞间转运氨基酸的高亲和力蛋白
Encoding a high affinity protein that translocation amino acids between cells
ZmCCA1 GRMZM6G435553 PMI1 响应蓝光和渗透压胁迫
Response to blue light and osmotic stress
Darkmagenta GIGZ1B GRMZM2G333183 ABCB1 ATP结合蛋白, 调节生长素转运
ATP-binding protein, regulates the transport of auxin
PhyC2 GRMZM2G038846 AT1G19320 与发病机制相关的超家族蛋白
Pathogenesis-related thaumatin superfamily protein
GIGZ1A GRMZM2G104269 OASC 参与花粉管生长和受精
Involved in pollen tube growth and fertilization
ZmFKF1b GRMZM2G041065 ATAVP3 无机H焦磷酸酶家族蛋白, 在分生组织和花器官原基表达
Inorganic H pyrophosphatase family protein. Expressed in meristems and floral organ primordium
ZmFKF1a GRMZM2G027673 FAB2 植物硬脂酰酰基载体蛋白去饱和酶家族蛋白
Plant stearoyl-acyl-carrier-protein desaturase family protein
ZmPRR59 GRMZM2G107945 FKF1 编码黄素结合的F-box蛋白, 调节花期转变
Encodes flavin-binding F-box protein, regulates transition to flowering
ZmPRR59 GRMZM2G106363 LKP2 编码F-box蛋白, 响应红光和蓝光, 参与光周期途径
Encodes a member of F-box proteins, response to red and blue light, involved in photoperiod pathway