
Identification of maize flowering gene co-expression modules by WGCNA
Yu-Xin YANG,Zhi-Qin SANG,Cheng XU,Wen-Shuang DAI,Cheng ZOU
图3 样本层次聚类树及对应的组织信息
A: 基于欧氏距离得到的基因聚类树。横轴表示不同的玉米组织, 纵轴代表基因间的聚类高度。B: 性状与基因聚类树关联热图。白色的代表低关联度, 红色的代表高关联度。
Fig. 3 Clustering dendrogram of samples and corresponding tissue information
A: the gene cluster tree based on the Euclidean distance. The abscissa represents the different tissues. The ordinate represents the cluster height of genes. B: the association trait heatmap, the white means a low correlation, the red means a high correlation.