
Leaf photosynthesis and matter production dynamic characteristics of peanut varieties with high yield and high oil content
Si-Long CHEN,Zeng-Shu CHENG,Ya-Hui SONG,Jin WANG,Yi-Jie LIU,Peng-Juan ZHANG,Yu-Rong LI
表3 不同花生品种籽仁油分积累动态的Richards模型参数及其特征参数
Table 3 Parameters of Richards model for seed oil content accumulation in different peanut varieties
冀花2号Jihua 2 冀花4号Jihua 4 鲁花12号Luhua 12
2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015
R2 0.9835 0.9971 0.9876 0.9984 0.9870 0.9989
A 52.79 51.91 55.39 54.93 50.95 51.65
B 0.79 4.05E+8 1.01 3.11E+8 0.22 7.74E+8
K 0.0535 0.2602 0.0586 0.2668 0.0598 0.2541
N 0.0551 7.2635 0.0513 5.6420 0.0168 6.6660
Gmax 1.012 1.222 1.164 1.577 1.112 1.261
$\bar{G}$ 0.688 0.729 0.791 0.959 0.756 0.757
Tmax.G 50.8 68.5 49.7 66.8 43.1 64.0
T 76.7 71.2 67.4 57.3 70.0 68.2
Wmax 19.94 38.82 20.89 39.27 18.90 38.05