甘蓝型油菜NRT1.5和NRT1.8家族基因的生物信息学分析及其对氮-镉胁迫的响应 |
梁桂红,华营鹏,周婷,廖琼,宋海星,张振华 |
Bioinformatics analysis and response to nitrate-cadmium stress of NRT1.5 and NRT1.8 family genes in Brassica napus |
Gui-Hong LIANG,Ying-Peng HUA,Ting ZHOU,Qiong LIAO,Hai-Xing SONG,Zhen-Hua ZHANG |
图8 甘蓝型油菜NRT1.5和NRT1.8基因对低氮的响应及基因共表达网络分析 图a表示甘蓝型油菜地上部和根部NRT1.5家族基因在低氮处理0 h、3 h、72 h 时的基因表达丰度; 图b表示NRT1.5家族基因在低氮处理时的基因共表达网络分析。图c表示甘蓝型油菜地上部和根部NRT1.8家族基因在低氮处理0 h、3 h、72 h 时的基因表达丰度; 图d表示NRT1.8家族基因在低氮处理时的基因共表达网络分析; FPKM表示每千个碱基转录每百万映射读取的fragments。 |
Fig. 8 Response to low concentration nitrate and co-expression network analysis of NRT1.5 and NRT1.8 genes in B. napus Fig. a shows the gene expression abundance of NRT1.5 family genes in shoots and roots of B. napus with low nitrate treatment for 0 h, 3 h, 72 h. Fig. b shows the co-expression network analysis of NRT1.5 family genes with low nitrate treatment. Fig. c shows the gene expression abundance of NRT1.8 family genes in shoots and roots of B. napus with low nitrate treatment for 0 h, 3 h, 72 h. Fig. d shows the co-expression network analysis of NRT1.8 family genes with low nitrate treatment. FPKM means the fragments per kilobase of exon model per million mapped reads. |
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