
QTL mapping of salt and alkaline tolerance-related traits at the germination and seedling stage in maize (Zea mays L.) using three analytical methods
Chun-Xiao ZHANG,Shu-Fang LI,Feng-Xue JIN,Wen-Ping LIU,Wan-Jun LI,Jie LIU,Xiao-Hui LI
图3 F2:5群体碱胁迫条件下耐碱相关性状的相关性分析与频数分布
*和**分别表示在5%和1%水平显著性; NS: 不显著; 缩写同表1
Fig. 3 Correlation analysis and frequency distribution of alkali tolerance-related traits of F2:5 in alkaline treatment
* and ** significant at the 5% and 1% probability levels, respectively; NS: no significant. Abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1.