水稻短根白化突变体sra1生理生化分析及基因定位 |
张莉莎,米胜南,王玲,委刚,郑尧杰,周恺,尚丽娜,朱美丹,王楠 |
Physiological and biochemical analysis and gene mapping of a novel short radicle and albino mutant sra1 in rice |
Li-Sha ZHANG,Sheng-Nan MI,Ling WANG,Gang WEI,Yao-Jie ZHENG,Kai ZHOU,Li-Na SHANG,Mei-Dan ZHU,Nan WANG |
图7 SRA1基因在第3染色体上的基因定位图谱 图中的粗黑线代表染色体, 线上方标记的是基因定位使用的SSR标记, 线下方数值代表两标记间的遗传距离, n为F2定位群体总株数。 |
Fig. 7 Gene mapping of SRA1 on rice chromosome 3 The thick black line in the figure represents the chromosome, the SSR markers used for gene mapping are marked above the line, the value below the line represents the genetic distance between the two markers, and n is the total number of F2 localized populations. |
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