
Creation and analysis of marker free transgenic soybean germplasm with low phosphate tolerance transcription factor GmPTF1 based on Cre/loxP system
Xiao-Fang ZHANG,Qiu-Ping DONG,Xiao QIAO,Ya-Ke QIAO,Bing-Bing WANG,Kai ZHANG,Gui-Lan LI
图4 标记基因删除后重组序列P1/P6 PCR产物测序结果分析
阴影部分为P1和P6引物序列, 线框内为重组拼接位点。
Fig. 4 Analysis of recombinant sequence PCR amplification product of P1/P6 sequencing results after deletion of marker genes
The shaded parts were sequences of P1 and P6 primer, and the recombination splice sites were in the frame.