玉米-大豆带状种植中套作高光效玉米窄行穂位叶光合特性对弱光胁迫的响应 |
任永福,陈国鹏,蒲甜,陈诚,曾瑾汐,彭霄,马艳玮,杨文钰,王小春 |
Responses of photosynthetic characteristics to low light stress in ear leaves of high photosynthetic efficiency maize at narrow row of maize-soybean strip intercropping system |
Yong-Fu REN,Guo-Peng CHEN,Tian PU,Cheng CHEN,Jin-Xi ZENG,Xiao PENG,Yan-Wei MA,Wen-Yu YANG,Xiao-Chun WANG |
图3 不同处理对玉米窄行穂位叶光合作用速率日变化的影响 MM代表单作。 |
Fig. 3 Effects of different treatments on daily variation of photosynthetic rate in ear leaves of maize at narrow row MM stands for monoculture. |