
Fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of awn inhibiting gene B2 in common wheat
Di JIN,Dong-Zhi WANG,Huan-Xue WANG,Run-Zhi LI,Shu-Lin CHEN,Wen-Long YANG,Ai-Min ZHANG,Dong-Cheng LIU,Ke-Hui ZHAN
图4 B2区段的基因微共线性分析
自左向右依次为矮抗58的6B染色体及中国春6B、6A和6D染色体; 图中标为红色和青色的基因分别表示在中国春6B和矮抗58的6B染色体中没有同源基因。
Fig. 4 Micro-collinearity analysis of B2 region
From left to right are chromosome 6B of AK58, chromosomes 6B, 6A, and 6D of CS; genes in red and cyan colors indicate no homologous genes on chromosomes 6B of CS and AK58, respectively.