
Fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of awn inhibiting gene B2 in common wheat
Di JIN,Dong-Zhi WANG,Huan-Xue WANG,Run-Zhi LI,Shu-Lin CHEN,Wen-Long YANG,Ai-Min ZHANG,Dong-Cheng LIU,Ke-Hui ZHAN
图5 中国春B2区间基因注释与表达谱分析
热图中蓝色越深代表其表达量(TPM)越低, 红色越深则表达量越高, 标红色的基因代表在中国春中Fold-Change (TPMSpike/TPMMean(Leaf, Root, Grain)) ≥ 2, 基因名称后面为其基因注释信息。
Fig. 5 Annotation and expression profiling of genes in B2 region
The expression level of each sample is printed as deep blue representing the lowest value to deep red representing the highest value in the heat map. The gene names are followed closely by their annotation information, and the genes in red indicate that its expression reaches the threshold of Fold-Change (TPMSpike/TPMMean (Leaf, Root, Grain)) ≥ 2 in Chinese Spring.