
Development of efficient KASP molecular markers based on high throughput sequencing in maize
Hai-Yan LU,Ling ZHOU,Feng LIN,Rui WANG,Feng-Ge WANG,Han ZHAO
图3 Neighbor-joining (N-J)树分析
A: 205份自交系基于202个位点的Neighbor-Joining (N-J)树分析, 红色线条代表46个实验材料; B: 205份自交系基于1,660,336个位点的Neighbor-Joining (N-J)树分析; Group 1~Group 7分别代表瑞德群、改良瑞德群、热带群、PB群、兰卡斯特群、四平头群、其他纬度种质。
Fig. 3 Neighbor-joining (N-J) tree analysis
A: N-J tree of 205 inbred lines based on 202 SNPs and 46 experimental materials are represented by red lines; B: N-J tree of 205 inbred lines based on 1,660,336 SNPs; Groups 1-7 represent different groups of Reid, Improved Reid, Tropic, PB, Lancaster, Sipingtou, and other latitude.