周年秸秆还田对农田土壤固碳及冬小麦-夏玉米产量的影响 |
李昊昱,孟兆良,庞党伟,陈金,侯永坤,崔海兴,金敏,王振林,李勇 |
Effect of annual straw return model on soil carbon sequestration and crop yields in winter wheat-summer maize rotation farmland |
Hao-Yu LI,Zhao-Liang MENG,Dang-Wei PANG,Jin CHEN,Yong-Kun HOU,Hai-Xing CUI,Min JIN,Zhen-Lin WANG,Yong LI |
图1 不同秸秆还田模式对0~40 cm土壤有机碳含量和储量的影响 NS: 秸秆不还田; SS: 夏玉米季秸秆还田; WS: 冬小麦季秸秆还田; DS: 秸秆双季还田; SOC: 土壤有机碳含量; SCS: 土壤有机碳储量。 |
Fig. 1 Effects of straw incorporation on SOC and SCS in 0-40 cm layers NS: no straw incorporation; SS: summer maize-season straw incorporation; WS: winter wheat-season straw incorporation; DS: double-season straw incorporation; SOC: soil organic carbon content; SCS: soil carbon stock. |
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