
Assessment of the nitrogen footprint in oilseed rape production of China during 2004 to 2015 base on life cycle assessment method
Zhong-Du CHEN,Chun-Chun XU,Long JI,Fu-Ping FANG
表3 我国典型省份冬油菜氮足迹、投入及产业构成
Table 3 Nitrogen footprint, input and composition of industry in typical provinces of China
氮足迹、投入及构成Nitrogen footprint, input and composition
高产High yield 低产 Low yield
省市 Province or municipality 上海 Shanghai 安徽 Anhui
江苏 Jiangsu 江西 Jiangxi
浙江 Zhejiang 湖南 Hunan
农资投入 氮肥N 2110.9±455.4 1168.9±211.1
Farm input (g N-eq hm-2) 磷肥P 68.1±21.1 38.5±10.2
钾肥K 3.9±1.2 12.1±6.5
复混肥CF 308.9±91.2 195.8±62.5
除草剂 H 1.6 1.6
杀虫剂 In 0.57 0.57
杀菌剂 Fu 59.35 59.35
柴油 D 49.8±11.3 30.47±8.7
氮足迹、投入及构成Nitrogen footprint , input and composition
高产High yield 低产 Low yield
田间直接氮损失 Nr-NH3 5888.6±1231.1 3306.1±721.5
Indirect emission in field Nr-NO3- 472.0±101.3 265.0±92.2
(g N-eq hm-2) Nr-NH4+ 1479.5±311.4 830.6±111.2
Nr-N2O 386.5±101.7 217.0±91.2
单位面积氮足迹 NFa (g N-eq hm-2) 10829.8±2221.1 6126.0±1101.6
产量 Yield (kg hm-2) 2328.0±913.4 1708.8±771.3
单位产量氮足迹 NFy (g N-eq kg-1) 4.74±1.14 3.61±1.01