水稻白条纹叶突变体wsl1的遗传分析及基因精细定位 |
莫祎,孙志忠,丁佳,余东,孙学武,盛夏冰,谭炎宁,袁贵龙,袁定阳,段美娟 |
Genetic analysis and fine mapping of white stripe leaf mutant wsl1 in rice |
Yi MO,Zhi-Zhong SUN,Jia DING,Dong YU,Xue-Wu SUN,Xia-Bing SHENG,Yan-Ning TAN,Gui-Long YUAN,Ding-Yang YUAN,Mei-Juan DUAN |
图2 野生型R1128和突变体wsl1苗期和分蘖期叶绿素的含量比较 A: 苗期光合色素含量比较; B: 分蘖期光合色素含量比较。Chl a: 叶绿素a; Chl b: 叶绿素b; Total Chl: 叶绿素a+叶绿素b; Car: 类胡萝卜素。*表示野生型与突变体在0.05水平差异显著; **表示野生型与突变体在0.01水平差异显著。 |
Fig. 2 Comparison of photosynthetic pigments at seedling stage and tillering stage in the mutant wsl1 and wild type R1128 A: comparison of photosynthetic pigments of the seeding stage; B: comparison of photosynthetic pigments of the tillering stage; Chl a: chlorophyll a; Chl b: chlorophyll b; Total Chl: content of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b; Car: carotenoids. * represents significant difference between the wsl1 mutant and wild type at the 0.05 probability level; ** represents significant difference between the wsl1 mutant and wild type at the 0.01 probability level. |
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