
Comprehensive evaluation of green super rice varieties based on nonlinear principal component analysis
Long JI,Hong-Fang SHEN,Chun-Chun XU,Zhong-Du CHEN,Fu-Ping FANG
表1 绿色超级稻品种综合评价指标体系
Table 1 Comprehensive evaluation index system for GSR varieties
First class indicator
Second class indicator
Definition of the indicators
技术性指标 有效穗 EP (x1) 单位面积有效穗数(m-2)
Technical indicator Effective panicles per square meter (m-2)
结实率 SSR (x2) 水稻结实率(%)
Seed-setting rate of rice (%)
抗倒伏性 LR (x3) 1=很差, 2=差, 3=一般, 4=较强, 5=很强
1=very poor, 2=poor, 3=general, 4=strong, 5=very strong
抗病虫性 RID (x4) 对主要病虫害的抗性(1=高感, 2=感, 3=中感, 4=中抗, 5=抗, 6=高抗)
Resistance to major pests and diseases (1=high susceptible, 2=susceptible, 3=moderate susceptible, 4=moderate resistant, 5=resistant, 6=high resistant)
抗非生物逆境性 AST (x5) 对干旱、高低温、盐碱等非生物胁迫的抗性(1=很差, 2=差, 3=一般, 4=较强, 5=很强)
Resistance to abiotic stress (1=very poor, 2=poor, 3=general, 4=strong, 5=very strong)
生态适应性 EA (x6) 在不同生长环境、不同年份的稳产表现, 用变异系数表征 (%)
Yield stability of rice in different growing condition across years, represented by coefficient of variation (%)
First class indicator
Second class indicator
Definition of the indicators
经济性指标 单产 Y (x7) 每公顷产量(kg hm-2)
Economic indicator Yield per hectare (kg hm-2)
成本利润率 RPC (x8) 每公顷成本利润率(%)
Rate of profit to cost per hectare (%)
整精米率 HR (x9) 整精米占净稻谷式样或精米式样的质量分数(%)
The ratio of head rice to the overall rice sample (%)
垩白度 CD (x10) 垩白米的垩白面积总和占式样整精米粒面积总和的百分率(%)
The ratio of chalkiness area of chalky rice to the total area of the head rice for the overall rice sample (%)
直链淀粉含量 AC (x11) 试样所含直链淀粉的质量占式样总质量的百分率(%)
The ratio of quality of amylose content to the total quality of the overall sample rice (%)
透明度 T (x12) 整精米籽粒的透明程度, 以稻米的相对透光率大小表示
Translucency degree of the head rice, represented by the relative transmittance of rice
生态性指标 氮肥利用率 NUE (x13) 氮肥偏生产力(籽粒产量/施氮量, kg kg-1)
Ecological indicator Nitrogen partial factor productivity (grain yield/nitrogen application level, kg kg-1)
磷肥利用率 PUE (x14) 磷肥偏生产力(籽粒产量/施磷量, kg kg-1)
Phosphate partial factor productivity (grain yield/phosphate application level, kg kg-1)
钾肥利用率 PUE2 (x15) 钾肥偏生产力(籽粒产量/施钾量, kg kg-1)
Potash partial factor productivity (grain yield/potash application level, kg kg-1)
水分利用率 WUE (x16) 籽粒产量/(降雨量-灌水量-排水量)(kg m-3)
Grain yield/(precipitation-irrigation-drainage) (kg m-3)
社会性指标 农药残留 PR (x17) 稻米中的农药残留量
Social indicator Amount of pesticide residues in rice
重金属含量 HM (x18) 稻米中的重金属镉含量(mg kg-1)
Cadmium content in rice (mg kg-1)