
Transcriptome analysis of the peanut transgenic offspring with depressing AhPEPC1 gene
Li-Juan PAN,Na CHEN,Ming-Na CHEN,Tong WANG,Mian WANG,Jing CHEN,Zhen YANG,Yong-Shan WAN,Shan-Lin YU,Xiao-Yuan CHI,Feng-Zhen LIU
图2 基因表达维恩图
WT: 对照; TL: 转基因株系。每个大圆圈中的数字之和代表该group表达了的基因总个数, 圆圈交叠的部分表示group之间共有的表达基因。
Fig. 2 Venn diagram of the gene expression
WT: control plants; TL: transgenic plants. The sum of the numbers in each large circle represents the total number of genes expressed in the group, the overlapping circles represent common genes between groups.