甘蓝型油菜AVP1、VHA-a2和VHA-a3基因的鉴定及功能性研究 |
姚珺玥,华营鹏,周婷,王涛,宋海星,官春云,张振华 |
Identification and function analysis of AVP1, VHA-a2, and VHA-a3 genes in Brassica napus L. |
Jun-Yue YAO,Ying-Peng HUA,Ting ZHOU,Tao WANG,Hai-Xing SONG,Chun-Yun GUAN,Zhen-Hua ZHANG |
图9 在低氮条件下甘蓝型油菜BnaAVP1、BnaVHA-a2和BnaVHA-a3家族的转录组分析。 S: 地上部; R: 根; 0、3、72 (h)代表缺氮胁迫的时间。图中结果表示3次生物学重复的平均值。*代表有显著差异。 |
Fig. 9 Transcriptome analysis of BnaAVP1, BnaVHA-a2, and BnaVHA-a3 family genes in Brassica napus S: shoot; R: root; 0, 3, and 72 (h) represent the time course of nitrogen deficiency. The results represent the average of three biological replicates. * represent significant differences. (A): BnaVHA-a2s; (B): BnaVHA-a3s; (C): BnaAVP1s. |
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