
Cloning and functional analysis of wheat receptor-like kinase gene TaPK3A
Qiang SU,Wei RONG,Zeng-Yan ZHANG
图1 RIL中TaPK3A的表达分析
A: 抗感材料RNA-Seq 数据中TaPK3A的表达量; B: RT-qPCR验证TaPK3A的表达量; R代表RIL中抗纹枯病小麦株系, S代表RIL中感纹枯病株系; R0/S0表示在0 h时R中和S中TaPK3A的表达量的比值; R4/S4表示在4 d时R中和S中TaPK3A的表达量的比值; R10/S10表示在10 d时R中和S中TaPK3A的表达量的比值。
Fig. 1 Transcriptional analyses of TaPK3A in RIL
A: expression of TaPK3A in RNA-Seq data of resistant and susceptible materials. B: RT-qPCR verification of the transcription of TaPK3A. R stands for sharp eyespot resistant wheat lines in RIL. S stands for sharp eyespot susceptible wheat lines in RIL. R0/S0 stands for the ratio of TaPK3A expression in R and S at 0 h. R4/S4 stands for the ratio of TaPK3A expression in R and S at 4 d. R10/S10 stands for the ratio of TaPK3A expression in R and S at 10 d.