
Cloning and functional analysis of wheat receptor-like kinase gene TaPK3A
Qiang SU,Wei RONG,Zeng-Yan ZHANG
图2 TaPK3A蛋白的系统进化树分析
用MEGA7对TaPK3A进化树分析, 五角星标注的是TaPK3A蛋白, 竖线内为同一亚家族蛋白。AtCERK1 (NP_566689.2)、AtLecRK-VI.2 (Q9M021.1)、AtLPK1 (NP_567233.1)、AtPSKR1 (OAP07882.1)、AtWAK1 (OAP13193.1)、AtWAKL10 (NP_178086.1)来自拟南芥; OnN25-1 (AHW98543.1)来自野生稻; NbLRK1 (BAG68210.1)来自本氏烟; OsWAK1 (BAG89532.1)、OsCERK1 (A0A0P0XII1.1)、OsXa26 (AAR08150.1)来自水稻; Sbds1 (BAM45642.1)来自高粱; SiBti9 (ADL16642.1)来自谷子; TaLRK10 (AAC49629.1)来自小麦; ZmPK3 (CAA09029.1)来自玉米。
Fig. 2 Phylogenetic tree analysis of TaPK3A protein
The phylogenetic tree of TaPK3A was analyzed by MEGA7. TaPK3A protein was tagged with star. The protein in the vertical lines belongs to the same subfamily. AtCERK1 (NP_566689.2), AtLecRK-VI.2 (Q9M021.1), AtLPK1 (NP_567233.1), AtPSKR1 (OAP07882.1), AtWAK1 (OAP13193.1), AtWAKL10 (NP_178086.1) are from Arabidopsis thaliana; OnN25-1 (AHW98543.1) is from Oryza nivara; NbLRK1 (BAG68210.1) is from Nicotiana benthamiana; OsWAK1 (BAG89532.1), OsCERK1 (A0A0P0XII1.1), OsXa26 (AAR08150.1) are from Oryza sativa; Sbds1 (BAM45642.1) is from Sorghum bicolor; SiBti9 (ADL16642.1) is from Setaria italic; TaLRK10 (AAC49629.1) is from Triticum aestivum L.; ZmPK3 (CAA09029.1) is from Zea mays L.