
Effects of tillage and straw returning methods on N2O emission from paddy fields, nitrogen uptake of rice plant and grain yield
Jun-Heng FENG,Jin-Feng HUANG,Tian-Qi LIU,Cou-Gui CAO,Cheng-Fang LI
图2 2016-2017年不同处理稻田土壤N2O通量的季节变化
CTNS: 翻耕+前季作物秸秆不还田; CTS: 翻耕+前季作物秸秆全量还田; NTNS: 免耕+前季作物秸秆不还田; NTS: 免耕+前季作物秸秆全量还田。实线箭头表示施肥, 虚线箭头表示排水。
Fig. 2 Seasonal changes in N2O flux under different treatments during the growth of rice in 2016 and 2017
CTNS: conventional intensive tillage without straw returning; CTS: conventional intensive tillage plus straw returning; NTNS: no-tillage and without straw returning; NTS: no-tillage plus straw returning. The solid arrow means N fertilization, and the dotted arrow means drainage of paddy field.