小麦产量对中后期氮素胁迫的响应及品种间差异 |
李朝苏,吴晓丽,汤永禄,李俊,马孝玲,李式昭,黄明波,刘淼 |
Response of yield and associated physiological characteristics for different wheat cultivars to nitrogen stress at mid-late growth stage |
Chao-Su LI,Xiao-Li WU,Yong-Lu TANG,Jun LI,Xiao-Ling MA,Shi-Zhao LI,Ming-Bo HUANG,Miao LIU |
图6 SDC和NSC氮素利用效率(NUtE)对中后期氮胁迫的响应 缩写同 |
Fig. 6 Nitrogen utilization efficiency (NUtE) for SDC and NSC in response to nitrogen stress at mid-later growth stage Abbreviations are the same as those given in |