
Effects of ridge-furrow mulching on soil enzyme activity, physicochemical properties and yield in continuous cropping potato field
Kai YAO,Zhang-Ping ZHAO,Yi-Chen KANG,Wei-Na ZHANG,Ming-Fu SHI,Xin-Yu YANG,Yan-Ling FAN,Shu-Hao QIN
图2 2016-2017年沟垄覆膜连作种植马铃薯对土壤pH的影响
标以不同小写字母的柱值在0.05水平下不同处理差异显著, 误差线指标准误。处理同表2
Fig. 2 Effect of ridge-furrow mulching planting pattern on soil pH of continuous cropping potato in 2016-2017
Values followed by different lowercase letters are significant by different at P < 0.05, the error line is the standard error. Treatments are the same as those given in Table 2.