
Function analysis of 5′ untranslated region introns in drought-resistance gene TaSAP1
Jian-Zhong CHANG,Chun-Lin DONG,Zheng ZHANG,Lin-Yi QIAO,Rui YANG,Dan JIANG,Yan-Qin ZHANG,Li-Li YANG,Jia-Jie WU,Rui-Lian JING
图6 转基因阳性二穗短柄草植株GUS染色及定量分析
A: 转基因阳性(上排)和非转基因(下排)二穗短柄草GUS染色分析。从左至右依次为叶片、幼穗、颖壳、种子、幼茎和幼根。B: 转基因阳性二穗短柄草GUS定量分析。*表示两者之间差异在0.05水平上显著(t检验)。
Fig. 6 Histochemical staining and quantification of GUS activity in transgenic Brachypodium distachyon
A: histochemical GUS staining analysis of transgenic (upper) and non-transgenic (lower) Brachypodium distachyon. The tissues from the left to right are leaf, young panicle, glume, seed, young stem and young root, respectively. B: quantification of GUS activity in transgenic Brachypodium distachyon. * indicate significant difference at P < 0.05 (t-test).