
Function analysis of 5′ untranslated region introns in drought-resistance gene TaSAP1
Jian-Zhong CHANG,Chun-Lin DONG,Zheng ZHANG,Lin-Yi QIAO,Rui YANG,Dan JIANG,Yan-Qin ZHANG,Li-Li YANG,Jia-Jie WU,Rui-Lian JING
图7 TaSAP1启动子及其内含子缺失突变体对不同逆境的响应
A: 胁迫条件下转基因二穗短柄草叶片的GUS组织化学染色; B: 胁迫条件下转基因二穗短柄草的GUS定量分析。NaCl、PEG、4°C和ABA表示生长2周后的二穗短柄草分别在NaCl (250 mmol L-1)、PEG-6000 (-0.5 MPa)、4°C和ABA (50 μmol L-1)条件下处理8 h, CK为无处理对照。*和**分别表示胁迫处理与对照(CK)的酶活差异在0.05和0.01水平上显著。
Fig. 7 Response of promoter and 5UI deletion mutants of TaSAP1 to different stresses
A: histochemical GUS staining activity in transgenic Brachypodium distachyon leaves under different stresses. B: quantification of GUS activity in transgenic Brachypodium distachyon under different stresses. NaCl, PEG, 4°C and ABA represents two-week Brachypodium distachyon plant treated with NaCl (250 mmol L-1), PEG-6000 (-0.5 MPa), 4°C and ABA (50 μmol L-1) for 8 h, respectively; CK is the control without stress treatment. * and ** indicate significant difference between a stress treatment and CK at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively.