
Genome-wide characterization and transcriptional analysis of the protein disulfide isomerase-like genes in barley (Hordeum vulgare)
Li-Jie SHI,Cong-Cong JIANG,Fang-Mei WANG,Ping YANG,Zong-Yun FENG
图1 HvPDILs基因的染色体分布
图中6个白色圆柱代表大麦的6条染色体, 圆柱左侧和右侧分别是基因的物理位置(Mb)和基因名称。由于3H染色体上没有PDILs基因, 故未展示。
Fig. 1 Chromosomal location of HvPDILs
The six bars represent the six chromosomes of barley. The gene names and physical locations (Mb) are marked at the right and left side of each chromosome respectively. The chromosome 3H is not shown as PDILs is not identified on it.