
Effects and physiological mechanisms of sowing depth on the growth progress and leaf senescence of peanut
Xiao-Yu ZHEN,Jian-Qun YANG,Xin-Xin LI,Zhao-Xin LIU,Fang GAO,Ji-Hao ZHAO,Ying LI,Bi-Chang QIAN,Jin-Rong LI,Dong-Qing YANG,Xiang-Dong LI
图2 播种深度对花生生育进程的影响
SD3、SD5、SD7、SD9、SD11、SD13和SD15处理分别表示播种深度为3、5、7、9、11、13和15 cm; VE-R8: 花生生长时期。
Fig. 2 Effects of sowing depth on the growth progress of peanut at different stages
SD3, SD5, SD7, SD9, SD11, SD13, and SD15 are expressed as sowing depth of 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15 cm, respectively; VE-R8: growing period of peanut.