盐胁迫对燕麦叶片生理指标和差异蛋白组学的影响 |
陈晓晶,刘景辉,杨彦明,赵洲,徐忠山,海霞,韩宇婷 |
Effects of salt stress on physiological indexes and differential proteomics of oat leaf |
Xiao-Jing CHEN,Jing-Hui LIU,Yan-Ming YANG,Zhou ZHAO,Zhong-Shan XU,Xia HAI,Yu-Ting HAN |
图2 差异蛋白火山图 横坐标表示差异蛋白的差异倍数(log2值), 纵轴表示P-value (-lg值), 黑色代表差异不显著的蛋白, 红色代表上调蛋白, 绿色代表下调蛋白。 |
Fig. 2 Differential protein volcano map The abscissa indicates the difference fold (log2 value) of the differential protein, the ordinate indicates P-value (-lg value), black indicates the protein with insignificant difference, red indicates the up-regulated protein, and green indicates the down-regulated protein. |
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