
Chemical compositions of cuticular waxes on stems and leaves of three legume green manure crops
Yang LI,Lu-Hua YAO,Xin GUO,Xiao ZHAO,Lei HUANG,Deng-Ke WANG,Xue-Feng ZHANG,Qian-Lin XIAO,Rui-Ji YANG,Yan-Jun GUO
图2 柽麻、田菁、竹豆的茎和叶蜡质总量
数据柱上不同小写字母表示品种内差异显著(P < 0.05)。
Fig. 2 Wax coverage in stem and leaf of Crotalaria juncea, Sesbania cannabina, and Phaseolus calcaratus
Different lowercase letters above the data bar within each species represent significant difference at P < 0.05.