增加穗粒数的水稻染色体代换系Z747鉴定及相关性状QTL定位 |
王大川,汪会,马福盈,杜婕,张佳宇,徐光益,何光华,李云峰,凌英华,赵芳明 |
Identification of rice chromosome segment substitution Line Z747 with increased grain number and QTL mapping for related traits |
Da-Chuan WANG,Hui WANG,Fu-Ying MA,Jie DU,Jia-Yu ZHANG,Guang-Yi XU,Guang-Hua HE,Yun-Feng LI,Ying-Hua LING,Fang-Ming ZHAO |
图1 Z747的代换片段及携带的QTL 每条染色体左侧为物理距离(Mb)、定位的QTL; 右侧为标记名称、代换区间(框内标记)和代换长度(黑箭头指向)。PH: 株高; PL: 穗长; NPB: 一次枝梗数; NSB: 二次枝梗数; GPP: 每穗实粒数; SPP: 每穗总粒数; SSR: 结实率; GL: 粒长; GW: 粒宽; RLW: 谷粒长宽比; GWT: 千粒重。部分有上标[20]~[30]的QTL表示可能与已克隆的基因等位。[20]: OsRLCK102; [21]: HTD2; [22]: pbr2; [23]: JMJ703; [24]: ND1; [25]: DFO1; [26]: OsMCA1; [27]: OsFRDL1; [28]: PTB1; [29]: DCM1; [30]: OsVPE3。 |
Fig. 1 Substitution segments and detected QTL of Z747 Physical distances (Mb) and mapped QTL are marked at the left of each chromosome; Markers, substitution interval squared by frame, and substitution length (black arrow direction) are displayed at the right of each chromosome. PH: plant height; PL: panicle length; NPB: number of primary branches; NSB: number of secondary branches; GPP: grain number per panicle; SPP: spikelet number per panicle; SSR: seed setting rate; GL: grain length; GW: grain width; RLW: rate of length to width; GWT: 1000-grains weight. Partial QTL noted superscript [20]-[30] indicate that these QTLs are possible alleles with the cloned genes. [20]: OsRLCK102; [21]: HTD2; [22]: pbr2; [23]: JMJ703; [24]: ND1; [25]: DFO1; [26]: OsMCA1, [27]: OsFRDL1; [28]: PTB1; [29]: DCM1; [30]: OsVPE3. |
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