甘蓝型油菜每角粒数的全基因组关联分析 |
孙程明,陈锋,陈松,彭琦,张维,易斌,张洁夫,傅廷栋 |
Genome-wide association study of seed number per silique in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) |
Cheng-Ming SUN,Feng CHEN,Song CHEN,Qi PENG,Wei ZHANG,Bin YI,Jie-Fu ZHANG,Ting-Dong FU |
图3 油菜每角粒数全基因组关联分析(GLM) A: 每角粒数BLUP值GLM曼哈顿图; B: 15TZ每角粒数GLM曼哈顿图; C: 16TZ每角粒数GLM曼哈顿图。水平线代表Bonferroni阈值。 |
Fig. 3 Genome-wide association study of rapeseed seed number per silique (GLM) A: Manhattan plot of GLM based on BLUP value; B: Manhattan plot of GLM in 15TZ; C: Manhattan plot of GLM in 16TZ. The dashed horizontal line depicts the Bonferroni significance threshold. |
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