刘登才 *(  ), 张连全, 郝明, 黄林, 甯顺腙, 袁中伟, 姜博, 颜泽洪, 伍碧华, 郑有良
Genome dominance and the breeding significance in Triticeae
LIU Deng-Cai *(  ), ZHANG Lian-Quan, HAO Ming, HUANG Lin, NING Shun-Zong, YUAN Zhong-Wei, JIANG Bo, YAN Ze-Hong, WU Bi-Hua, ZHENG You-Liang
图1. 四倍体小麦、节节麦和普通小麦 普通小麦的株型穗型与它的AB基因组供体物种四倍体小麦相像, 而与它的D基因组供体物种节节麦差异很大。
Fig. 1. Triticum turgidum, Aegilops tauschii, and common wheat The plant and spike morphologies of common wheat are like those from T. turgidum, distinct from Ae. tauschii.