刘登才*(), 张连全, 郝明, 黄林, 甯顺腙, 袁中伟, 姜博, 颜泽洪, 伍碧华, 郑有良
Genome dominance and the breeding significance in Triticeae
LIU Deng-Cai*(), ZHANG Lian-Quan, HAO Ming, HUANG Lin, NING Shun-Zong, YUAN Zhong-Wei, JIANG Bo, YAN Ze-Hong, WU Bi-Hua, ZHENG You-Liang

图2. 以A、D、U、St基因组形成的异源多倍体物种簇

Fig. 2. Allopolyploid species clusters with A, D, U, or St as the pivotal genome