翟胜男 1(  ), 郭军 1, 刘成 1, 李豪圣 1, 宋健民 1, 刘爱峰 1, 曹新有 1, 程敦公 1, 李法计 1, 何中虎 2, 夏先春 2,*(  ), 刘建军 1,*(  )
Functional analysis of Lcye gene involved in the carotenoid synthesis in common wheat
ZHAI Sheng-Nan 1(  ), GUO Jun 1, LIU Cheng 1, LI Hao-Sheng 1, SONG Jian-Min 1, LIU Ai-Feng 1, CAO Xin-You 1, CHENG Dun-Gong 1, LI Fa-Ji 1, HE Zhong-Hu 2, XIA Xian-Chun 2,*(  ), LIU Jian-Jun 1,*(  )
图1. Lcye突变位点分布图 黄色箭头代表外显子; 连线代表内含子。
Fig. 1. Distribution of mutation sites in Lcye Exons are represented by yellow arrows and introns by connecting lines.