刘俊华1,3(), 吴正锋2, 沈浦2, 于天一2, 郑永美2, 孙学武2, 李林1, 陈殿绪2, 王才斌2,*(), 万书波1,4,*()
Effects of nitrogen and density interaction on root morphology, plant characteristic and pod yield under single seed precision sowing in peanut
Jun-Hua LIU1,3(), Zheng-Feng WU2, Pu SHEN2, Tian-Yi YU2, Yong-Mei ZHENG2, Xue-Wu SUN2, Lin LI1, Dian-Xu CHEN2, Cai-Bin WANG2,*(), Shu-Bo WAN1,4,*()

图1. 氮肥与密度互作对花生荚果产量的影响

Fig. 1. Effects of the interaction of nitrogen fertilizer and density on pod yield in peanut
Different lowercase letters indicate significantly different at the 5% probability level. Treatments are the same as those given in Table 1.