甘薯抗旱相关基因IbNAC72的克隆与功能分析 |
张欢, 杨乃科, 商丽丽, 高晓茹, 刘庆昌, 翟红, 高少培, 何绍贞 |
Cloning and functional analysis of a drought tolerance-related gene IbNAC72 in sweet potato |
Huan ZHANG, Nai-Ke YANG, Li-Li SHANG, Xiao-Ru GAO, Qing-Chang LIU, Hong ZHAI, Shao-Pei GAO, Shao-Zhen HE |
图1 IbNAC72基因的序列分析 A: 不同物种中NAC72同源蛋白序列的多重比较; 红色线标注为a~e 5个亚结构域。B: 不同物种中NAC72蛋白序列的同源进化树分析。C: IbNAC72与拟南芥AtNAC72的基因组结构比较; 方框表示外显子, 直线表示内含子。 |
Fig. 1 Sequence analysis of IbNAC72 A: multiple protein sequence alignment of IbNAC72 with other plant NAC72 proteins; the red lines indicate the five subdomains a to e. B: phylogenetic analysis of NAC72 proteins. C: comparison of the genomic structures of IbNAC72 and AtNAC72; boxes indicate exons, and lines indicate introns. |
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