白菜型油菜粒色主效基因BrTT1的调控机制分析 |
王艳花, 荐红举, 邱晓, 李加纳 |
Regulatory mechanism of the seed coat color gene BrTT1 in Brassica rapa L. |
Yan-Hua WANG, Hong-Jiu JIAN, Xiao QIU, Jia-Na LI |
图2 不同粒色的BrTT1基因的核苷酸序列比对 A: 不同粒色的白菜型油菜种子表型(黑色、红褐色和黄色); B: 来自不同粒色的 BrTT1的核苷酸序列。TT1-B: 从黑籽中扩增得到的BrTT1-B序列; TT1-R: 从红褐籽种子中扩增得到的BrTT1-R序列; TT1-Y: 从黄籽中扩增得到的BrTT1-Y序列。核苷酸多态性通过颜色突出显示, 共有序列下方的线代表内含子区域。标尺 = 5000 μm。 |
Fig. 2 Nucleotide polymorphisms of BrTT1 genes from different seed color lines A: phenotypes of B. rapa lines (black, reddish-brown, and yellow) with different seed colors; B: nucleotide sequences of B. rapa BrTT1 from the three lines with different seed color. TT1-B was BrTT1-B sequence amplified from the black seeds; TT1-R was BrTT1-R sequence amplified from the reddish-brown seeds; TT-Y was BrTT1-Y sequence amplified from the yellow seeds. Nucleotide polymorphisms were highlighted by color, the line below the consensus sequence represents the intron region. Bar = 5000 μm. |
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