杜宇笑, 李鑫格, 王雪, 刘小军, 田永超, 朱艳, 曹卫星, 曹强

Nitrogen demand characteristics with different grain yield levels for wheat after rice
Yu-Xiao DU, Xin-Ge LI, Xue WANG, Xiao-Jun LIU, Yong-Chao TIAN, Yan ZHU, Wei-Xing CAO, Qiang CAO
图3 不同产量水平不同生育阶段干物质积累量(A)和氮积累量(B)占成熟期总积累量的百分比
图中GS0代表播种期, GS31代表拔节期, GS65代表开花期, GS100代表成熟期。
Fig. 3 Dry matter accumulation (A) and plant nitrogen accumulation (B) of different period as a percentage of the total at maturity with different yield levels
GS0 indicates sowing stage, GS31 indicates jointing stage, GS65 indicates flowering stage, and GS100 indicates maturity stage.