杜宇笑, 李鑫格, 王雪, 刘小军, 田永超, 朱艳, 曹卫星, 曹强

Nitrogen demand characteristics with different grain yield levels for wheat after rice
Yu-Xiao DU, Xin-Ge LI, Xue WANG, Xiao-Jun LIU, Yong-Chao TIAN, Yan ZHU, Wei-Xing CAO, Qiang CAO
图4 不同产量水平下氮收获指数(A)、收获指数(B)、秸秆氮浓度(C)和籽粒氮浓度(D)的变化规律
图中实线表示平均值, 虚线表示中值, 箱型边界表示75%和25%的四分位数, 上下边缘表示90和10百分位数, 圆点表示最大值和最小值, 同一图片中的不同小字母(a, b, c, d)表示产量水平间显著差异, ns表示4个产量水平间无显著差异(P < 0.05)。
Fig. 4 Variation of nitrogen harvest index (A), harvest index (B), straw nitrogen concentration (C), and grain nitrogen concentration (D) with different yield levels
The solid and dashed lines indicate mean and median, respectively. The box boundaries indicate the 75% and 25% quartiles, the whisker caps indicate 90th and 10th percentiles, and the dots indicate the maximum and minimum, different small letters (a, b, c, d) in the same figure represent that there was significant difference in different yield levels, and the ns represent that there was no significant difference among different yield levels (P < 0.05).