赵潇璨, 徐永清, 贺付蒙, 孙美丽, 袁强, 王雪, 孔德兴, 刘丹, 冯艳忠, 陈赫书, 田明, 刘娣, 李凤兰

Low concentration of vomitoxin as elicitor induced resistance of dry rot disease of potato and its mechanism
Xiao-Can ZHAO, Yong-Qing XU, Fu-Meng HE, Mei-Li SUN, Qiang YUAN, Xue WANG, De-Xing KONG, Dan LIU, Yan-Zhong FENG, He-Shu CHEN, Ming TIAN, Di LIU, Feng-Lan LI
图2 DON处理6 h时接菌培养10 d后薯块内部形态变化
a~l分别代表无菌水、1 ng mL-1 DON、5 ng mL-1 DON、10 ng mL-1 DON、15 ng mL-1 DON、20 ng mL-1 DON、25 ng mL-1 DON、30 ng mL-1 DON、35 ng mL-1 DON、40 ng mL-1 DON、45 ng mL-1 DON、50 ng mL-1 DON处理。DON: 呕吐毒素。
Fig. 2 Changes in the internal morphology of potato pieces after 10 days of inoculation and culture at 6 hours after DON treatment
a-l represent sterile water, 1 ng mL-1 DON, 5 ng mL-1 DON, 10 ng mL-1 DON, 15 ng mL-1 DON, 20 ng mL-1 DON, 25 ng mL-1 DON, 30 ng mL-1 DON, 35 ng mL-1 DON, 40 ng mL-1 DON, 45 ng mL-1 DON, 50 ng mL-1 DON, respectively. DON: vomitoxin.