李彦生, 金剑, 刘晓冰

Physiological response of crop to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration: a review
Yan-Sheng LI, Jian JIN, Xiao-Bing LIU
图1 1958-2020年大气CO2浓度年平均和月平均变化
图中蓝色虚线内数字代表每10年间大气CO2浓度年平均值的年增加量; 黑色虚线代表目前大气CO2浓度最高值为2019年5月测量值。
Fig. 1 Annual and monthly changes of atmospheric concentration of CO2 from 1958 to 2020
The data between the two blue dashed lines represent the increases of CO2 concentration per 10 years. The black dashed line represents the highest atmospheric CO2 concentration measured in May 2019. All the data in this figure are from https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/data.html.