左同鸿, 张贺翠, 刘倩莹, 廉小平, 谢琴琴, 胡燈科, 张以忠, 王玉奎, 白晓璟, 朱利泉
Molecular cloning and expression analysis of BoGSTL21 in self-incompatibility Brasscia oleracea
Tong-Hong ZUO, He-Cui ZHANG, Qian-Ying LIU, Xiao-Ping LIAN, Qin-Qin XIE, Deng-Ke HU, Yi-Zhong ZHANG, Yu-Kui WANG, Xiao-Jing BAI, Li-Quan ZHU
表2 BoGSTL21基因上游调控区顺式作用元件
Table 2 Cis-elements in the upstream regulation region of BoGSTL21
相关功能预测 Associated putative function | 启动子顺式作用元件 Cis-elements in the promoter region | 脱落酸(ABA)应答 Abscisic acid response | ABRE | 光响应 Light response | G-Box, GT1-motif, TCT-motif | 低氧诱导 Anaerobic induction response | ARE | 促进和增强基因转录 Promote and enhance gene transcription | CAAT-box | 赤霉素应答 Gibberellin-response | GARE-motif, P-box | MYBHv1结合位点 MYBHv1 binding site | CCAAT-box | 涉及光响应的MYBHv1结合位点 MYB binding site involved in light response | MRE | 转录启动约-30的核心启动子 Core promoter element around -30 of transcription start | TATA-box | 低温响应 Low-temperature response | LTR | 干旱诱导 Drought induced response | MBS | 水杨酸(SA)反应 Salicylic acid response | TCA-element | MeJA茉莉酸响应 MeJA-response | CGTCA-motif, TGACG-motif | 生长素(IAA)应答 Auxin-response | TGA-element |