甘薯IbCAF1基因的克隆及耐盐性、抗旱性鉴定 |
陈杉彬, 孙思凡, 聂楠, 杜冰, 何绍贞, 刘庆昌, 翟红 |
Cloning of IbCAF1 and identification on tolerance to salt and drought stress in sweetpotato |
Shan-Bin CHEN, Si-Fan SUN, Nan NIE, Bing DU, Shao-Zhen HE, Qing-Chang LIU, Hong ZHAI |
图1 IbCAF1基因序列分析 A: IbCAF1蛋白序列分析; B: 甘薯CAF1蛋白和其他植物中的CAF1蛋白序列比对; C: 甘薯CAF1蛋白和其他植物中的CAF1蛋白的同源进化树分析。ItlCAF1: 三裂叶野牵牛(XP_031110715.1); InCAF1: 牵牛(XP_019199562.1); NtCAF1: 烟草(XP_016511744.1); SpCAF1: 番茄近缘野生种(XP_015079674.1); CaCAF1: 辣椒(NP_001312000.1); SlCAF1: 番茄(XP_004241342.1); StCAF1: 马铃薯(XP_006361099.1)。 |
Fig. 1 Sequence analysis of IbCAF1 A: sequence analysis of IbCAF1 protein. B: multiple sequence alignment of IbCAF1 and CAF1 proteins from other plants. C: phylogenetic analysis of IbCAF1 and CAF1 proteins from other plants. ItlCAF1: Ipomoea triloba (XP_031110715.1); InCAF1: Ipomoea nil (XP_019199562.1), NtCAF1: Nicotiana tabacum (XP_016511744.1); SpCAF1: Solanum pennellii (XP_015079674.1), CaCAF1: Capsicum annuum (NP_001312000.1), SlCAF1: Solanum lycopersicum (XP_004241342.1), StCAF1: Solanum tuberosum (XP_006361099.1). |
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